It’s time to get experimental in Legends of Aria, as the game’s test server has kicked out an update that brings all sorts of spooky dark things for players to poke at.
Specifically, this test server update introduces the new Sorcery and Summoning skills, which lets players craft a character that can use summoned Wisps to summon even bigger temporary critters like chasers and constructs, or even use those wisps to create magical armor or consume an orb to provide increased regeneration for a short time. Would-be Sorcerers will need to bear in mind, however, that wielding a Sorcery weapon restricts them from receiving healing from outside sources.
In addition, this new test build opens up the Monolith, a three level dungeon with five mini-bosses and one final boss. Regular monsters in the dungeon have a chance to drop rare decorations and artifacts, and each boss has both a unique loot table and a shared loot table. Those who want to plumb these new depths can find the entrance at the Southern Hills Cemetery.
Naturally, since this is all on the experimental server, things are subject to change and adjust, but the new stuff might be worth a look for players and the curious. Expect it all live in the $19.99 Dark Sorcery DLC launching soon.
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— Citadel Studios (@Citadel_Studios) March 28, 2020