Ever since Kickstarted MMORPG Chronicles of Elyria went belly-up, players have been trying to figure out what to do about it. Some had sunk thousands of dollars into fiefdoms in a game that will now never launch, while others merely wanted some revenge – and some accountability.
As we reported in March, some angry former backers were gathering in a Discord channel devoted to some sort of class-action lawsuit or better yet an investigation from the attorney general’s office in Washington, where Soulbound was registered. It’s a long shot, but gamers will remember that the Washington AGS has successfully pursued scammy Kickstarters before, most notably Ed Nash’s Asylum Playing Cards campaign, which made off with $25,146 in backer money until the courts said nuh-uh son. Elyria’s would-be players, however, are out millions, which may make it an even juicier target.
Indeed, one player on Reddit says he lodged a complaint and that the “Washington AGO has officially accepted [that] complaint against Soulbound and said they would be reaching out to them further on the matter.” He can now add that to the massive pile being logged by the Discord – around 150 to date, more than those filed against Amazon in the last few weeks.
“The standard process for complaint filing consists of sending the complaints to the company, at which time the complainant would receive an email of this phase,” explains one Discord member, Stelaphina, who has contacted the office for guidance. “After speaking with the AG’s office today, I was told they have stopped sending the complaints to the studio at this point, so you may not receive an email as to the status of your complaint. They asked that I convey to everyone that all complaints are being reviewed by attorneys. They have received 150 complaints in just under 2 weeks, the most they have received against a company in that short of a time span. They have advised anyone that has not submitted a request should do so.”
Further reading on how we got here: