The Stanton system of Star Citizen (aka the only star system available to explore in the alpha right now) is almost fully built. Sort of. Maybe? It’s a work in progress. That’s the broad strokes message from the latest Calling All Devs video, though there are more specific details that should be noted before you race to dunk on the game in the comments.
As far as the system itself in terms of celestial bodies, the planet Crusader and its landing zone Orison are the final things to be built. That said, art director Ian Leland explained that new tech is still being developed like improved geological features and new painting tools that shouldn’t only be applied to newer star systems. Game director Todd Papy also explained that additional gameplay elements like salvage or medical professions will make development and improvement of Stanton an ongoing process.
As for what’s being worked on in Stanton right now, there’s the mission giver and racing locations for GrimHEX, the Factory Line store in New Babbage, cargo and refinery decks of space stations, gas clouds, AI spawning and despawning locations, hospitals and related healing gameplay, and additional means of ingress to space stations. The video also offered a check on Crusader and Orison development, with discussion on challenges and tech prototypes being used to create the gas giant (since planetoids up to this point have been solid moons) and the walls-free cloud city layout of Orison. It even provides some early whitebox footage of the Orison landing zone for players to peek at.
OK, now you can dunk on the game in the comments. I’ve got my bingo card ready.