We realize this one might be a slightly controversial statement, but we’re going to say it anyhow: 2020 has been a weird year. It’s been so weird that the fact that a revival Kickstarter for a shuttered MOBA funding successfully may not even break the top 10 for weirdness in this particular year. All of this is a roundabout way of saying that the Dawngate revival Kickstarter has successfully funded with a healthy margin, raking in more than $100,000 compared to its initial $50,000 goal.
For those who missed the earlier announcements, the project is being produced by Studio Wayfinder with a stated informal agreement already in place with Electronic Arts (who still owns all of the IP rights to Dawngate, obviously). It remains to be seen how the full agreement and release process will go, but we can only imagine that the project’s backers will be happy for the bright light at the end of the tunnel.