Dungeons and Dragons Online’s newest race is going through the paces on the test server right now, which means that before long, players will have another option for the MMO’s already robust character creation screen.
Shifters might best be described as half-hearted werewolves that can spec to be tanks or casters, depending on the player’s whim. “Shifters are a basic Eberron race with notable Lycanthropic ancestry,” SSG explained. “They cannot transform entirely into animals, but can shift parts of their bodies to be animal-like for short periods of time. In DDO, this Shifting has similarities (and statistical connections to) Raging.”
The preview of Update 47 also covers the Razorclaw Shifter iconic race, a Feydark Illusionist casting tree, The Promise of Flame dungeon, and more named loot.
Source: DDO. Thanks DDOCentral!