Back in July of 2019, Daybreak Games filed a number of curious trademarks that seemed to suggest that the MMO studios under its umbrella were all getting their own individual indentities, a rumor that was formally confirmed in January of this year and the followed up with the purchase of . The only dangling thread in the matter was related to H1Z1, which to date has been in a state of limbo, the only indicator of its life being the registration of another sub-studio last spring: Wandering Monster Games.
That was the most recent news up until a few days ago, when a Wandering Monster Games Twitter account suddenly surfaced and began kicking out cryptic messages. The first is a clip of some music, the second is a version number with a major number that intriguingly begins with a zero, and the third and “final message” is a date: Sunday, November 15th, which just happens to be the original release date of Just Survive.
It’s unclear whether Daybreak Games is behind the tweets or it’s an extremely elaborate troll account looking to get fans riled up with its claims that it’s a “new subsidiary of Daybreak Games.” The Twitter account is unverified, but so are several of its other studios’ accounts (and Twitter’s verification process has been on hold for a very long time anyway), so that may be no clue. But let’s not forget this season is ripe for tricks as well as treats.
On the other hand, a five-year anniversary of the original Just Survive release is certainly the perfect time for a revival. We’ll keep our eyes peeled in the meantime.