Star Citizen’s recently released alpha 3.12 is subtitled Assault on Stanton, but most of the immediately playable features involved things like refinery decks and gas clouds, so unless those gas clouds suddenly gained sentience and their first thoughts were “kill,” there wasn’t a whole lot of assaulting on Stanton happening. That, however, is soon to change as another feature in 3.12 — the dynamic events system — is set to see use sometime this week.
The game’s first dynamic event will feature a fight against the terrorist group XenoThreat as players can join in with the UEE Navy to fight fleets of enemy capital ships in large-scale assaults. Players can look forward to multiple phases that span over the course of multiple days, though the event’s final length will ultimately be determined by player participation and progress.
This new event is set to begin at some time this week, though specific timing wasn’t announced. Players are advised to keep their eyes on the game’s website and Twitter account for more details and to look for a Civilian Defense Force NPC to join in on the fight when the literal Assault on Stanton kicks off.