- Double-jointed (5 points)
- Triple-jointed (10 points)
- My limbs are covered in joints like one of those snakes you could get at a carnival booth (15 points)
- Really crappy code of behavior (5 points)
- Edgelord (10 points)
- Can clear those appearing-disappearing block sections in Mega Man without using Rush Jet (5 points)
- Smell nice (10 points)
- Hot dog sense (15 points)
- What Are You Playing makes sense to me (5 points)
- Zero-jointed (5 points)
- Parasitic life form, like that jerk Steve still crashing on my couch a month later (10 points)
- Code of behavior actually preventing you from doing stuff (5 points)
- Code of behavior that you can’t define as something to let you do what you wanted to do anyhow (10 points)
- Farts (5 points)
- No fashion sense (5 points)
- Bad fashion sense (10 points)
- Trendy fashion sense (15 points)
- Nothing specifically wrong with you but everyone thinks you’re kind of a tool (40 points)
- Wrong opinions about video games (5 points)
Bonus question: How’s your eyesight? Do you need glasses, and if so, what sort?
Andy McAdams: I’m going to continue putzing around in World of Warcraft and probably get some Mythic+ runs in with my guild. Thanks to Chris, I’ve also logged into Elite: Dangerous and been overwhelmed with the vast amount of directions to move in, so I’ll probably be keeping up with that too. Maybe some Animal Crossing to zen out? Who knows these days.
My eyesight was terrible – I had such a bad astigmatism that I was close to legally blind. BUT back in 2010 I had Lasik and now my vision is close to 20/20. I still have glasses for night driving because I still get wicked halos around everything or when my eyes are tired from being on the computer all day.
Ben Griggs (@braxwolf): I will be grinding the dockyard event in World of Warships while simultaneously trying to figure out how the captain rework has affected my ships. I’ll also pop into Elite: Dangerous and do…whatever it is I do in that game.
I had terrible vision for most of my life until I had laser surgery about ten years ago. Since then, it’s slipped a bit due to astigmatism and age. I now wear progressive lenses for reading and to sharpen my nearsightedness, though I can function (drive, lay in bed and watch TV etc) without them.
Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): Expecting to be finished with repairs on Old House this weekend, so I can turn my attention entirely to New House and games! Last night I got City of Heroes patched up and I’ve been thinking about dipping back into The Sims 4 again. We’ll see. Crossed Lord of the Rings Online back off my list after the recent shenanigans, even after paying up my hobbit hole. I just can’t with it right now.
I was fortunate to inherit great eyesight (thanks dad!). No glasses yet, though I know age gets everyone eventually.
Chris Neal (@wolfyseyes, blog): Pretty much a repeat of my past replies with Elite: Dangerous and Final Fantasy XIV on the docket this weekend. I’ve got some RP things to nail down in FFXIV and I’ve kitted out my Chieftain in Elite so I’m going to see if I can be a reasonable combat pilot.
My eyesight is awful. I have severe myopia, have had ocular ademas before, and my glasses are spectacularly thick. I’m glad glasses design has come a long way, though; in my childhood my glasses were so heavy that the arms dug into my ears.
Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): Just some usual FFXIV and probably some single-player stuff over the weekend. Let’s mark it down as a calm sort of weekend, yes?
My eyesight is actually not too bad, and while my distance vision is a problem I function fine without glasses up close. I wear my glasses all the time just because it’s better to get in the habit of having them on, but I mostly just need them for driving.
Tyler Edwards (blog): Back on the Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla horse. Might also fit in some Wolcen or Torchlight III.
Bonus question: I started wearing glasses about a year ago. I should have gotten them much sooner, but I was afraid they’d make me look too goofy. Ironically I ended up liking my look better with glasses. They divert attention from the rest of my face.