Anyone here recall LEGO Universe? The game has had a bumpy history to say the least, much of which we’ve touched on when we cast a light on the player-run emulator Darkflame Universe. If you’d rather get your MMORPG history in audio form, however, LEGO Gaming has put together a podcast documentary for your listening pleasure.
The documentary, part of the Bits N’ Bricks podcast, is the first part of a two-part series that discusses the game. Part one traces the roots and pre-production, from its origins to business dealings with Gazillion and NetDevil to early development. The podcast even features a preview of the second part at the end with snippets from game devs discussing testing of the game, red flags with Gazillion, and even admittance of “the most disastrous decision LEGO ever made” according to one quote.
Incidentally, the devs behind Darkflame Universe revealed back in October that the team is in talks with LEGO Group to discuss “ways the project can continue to exist” as well as “guiding principles for fan made LEGO projects like the Darkflame LEGO Universe to inspire development of new fan-made gaming LEGO experiences,” while an end of 2020 update post notes the game is close to entering closed beta.