Star Citizen’s latest episode of Inside Star Citizen is a little bit different. First, it starts off with the Features team’s work on new things for the PU, including the first version of a mounted gun, a new set of stagger animations that will be applied when players are hit by heavier weapons fire or in a ship that bumps into something else, and what’s cheekily referred to as a new vehicle — a cargo trolley that lets players easily haul things from heavy loads of cargo to their friends out in the middle of nowhere. Finally, players can live out their wildest Jackass dreams in-game.
The latter half of the video features another sprint report, which provides another look at ship-to-station docking’s final art phase; a new nutrient-rich harvestable item that can be used for healing; a look at polish on the moon of Lyria and the seaside corals of Hurston; more whitebox previews of colony buildings; whitebox previews of the interiors of hospitals at New Babbage and Orison; and a look at a Javelin derelict site that is being used as a way for the artists and designers at CIG’s new Montreal studio to get acquainted with the game’s engine.