Good news to all innocent players who don’t want your stuff ruined in Wild Terra 2: The game’s latest patch has added something to help you! This sounds like good news until you notice that it’s just flagging people who do untoward things as “criminals” and give them a risk to lose items even in otherwise safe zones, which is the exact same gameplay mechanic that has been tried in countless PvP titles without having the actual desired effect upon player behavior whatsoever, but it is strictly speaking better than nothing! In a way.
The patch doesn’t just add that particular non-starter, though; the game has also gained 10 new crops to cultivate with farming. There’s also a new skill to master for combat as the first pass of combat revisions has taken place, which includes new abilities under various skill lines and reworks to monster aggression and combat balance. Check out the full rundown of patch changes to get a sense of what’s been changed across the board.