It’s hard to believe that almost seven years ago, Elder Scrolls Online finally lurched out of the gates into the hands of PC players. Though that launch was rocky, the game has come such a very long way in terms of quality and popularity, winning multiple awards from our staff and readers since then. So it’s a birthday worth celebrating – and ZeniMax has events to do just that.
For the birthday itself, the Anniversary Jubilee returns on April 1st through the 13th, with a double experience boost and cake. So much cake. Pick up the “Ache for Cake” quest from the cash shop and then work your way through the quest for your cake tool. There are gift boxes dropping through regular play as well.
While you wait for that, there’s the April Fools’ Day events, which come in the form of the Jester’s Festival and actually began this morning. Through April 1st itself, there’s another expericence boost as you wind through the goofy jester quests for the achievements and goofball rewards. If you don’t enjoy cake, maybe pie is more your thing… a lot of pies.
In other words, this is a real good time to level up ahead of Blackwood, since you’ve got almost three weeks of double expies to look forward to.