This one’s for the MMORPG fan that likes a more hard-bitten challenge in their game and doesn’t mind some old school visuals to go along with it. Introducing New Eden, an in-development 2-D MMORPG that pairs pixel graphics with Soulsborne-esque combat to create a game that the devs at Wanderwolf Studios hope will “push the boundaries of what can be expected out of a modern indie MMORPG.”
In New Eden, players will explore the high fantasy/cyberpunk world of Estaria, encountering treasures and boss fights along the way. Combat in the game is promised to be fluid and strategic, while character progression features a modular leveling system with unique skills and subsystems as well as weapons, equipment, and skills to gain and choose from. The game currently has a short instanced area, but plans to have open environments in a large, shared world.
On the subject of the current game’s build, New Eden’s early alpha is freely available to download on Discord as part of the dev team’s open development strategy. This build features the aforementioned instanced area, along with six weapon types, a PvP arena, and a boss, while future updates that are tentatively planned for the end of August include an expanded combat system, a larger garden area with secrets to uncover, an expanded PvP arena, the game’s first dungeon, and more weapon types among many other things. In the meantime, this Reddit post has additional details, while a video of the game’s first five minutes can be found below.