Hey you! Drop everything — groceries, babies, financial responsibilities — and make a dash over to the Star Wars: The Old Republic launcher. You see that? Yup, it’s a patch in progress, bringing you into the era of Update 6.3: The Dark Descent.
The headlining feature of this update is a new flashpoint that takes players back to the abandoned Jedi enclave on Dantooine. “We’ve been wanting to peek inside the enclave for some time in our game (and we know fans have, too),” BioWare said, “and our recent storylines finally gave us a great reason to go inside. You’ll be pursuing Darth Malgus and trying to figure out what his plans are as you fight your way through the ruins.”
Other changes and additions of note include the very first galactic season (The Stranger from Kubindi), the debut of Ranked PvP Season 14, and an upcoming double XP, valor, and renown event that’s scheduled to run from May 4th through the 18th.
The galactic season will cover the next five months and include two reward tracks — one for all players and one for subscribers only. Go chase them goodies!
Source: SWTOR