It’s time once more to round up Star Citizen’s latest weekly development video, which talks about ship-based gameplay updates that are in the pipeline for the internet spaceship sandbox. First, the devs discuss changes to capacitors that will allow players to divert a set pool of extra energy to improve thrusters, shields, or weapons. The goal, according to the devs in the video, is to make dogfighting more dynamic and to include more interesting decisions that players have to make when they’re in a ship battle.
The second half of the video discusses operator modes, which are planned to be more seat-specific for multi-crew ships in the future, with features such as the copilot’s seat having access to scanning tools while the main pilot’s seat simply worries about flight. One of the new operator modes being worked on is related to firing missiles, which is something that has been brought up by CIG a few different times before. In single-seat fighters, players will be able to swap between guns and missile banks, while copilots will have full access to missiles and main pilots handle the guns.
This missile operator mode feature holds hands with missile reworks. Missiles will consume fuel, which should grant players an opportunity to outrun them, and missiles will have three phases of movement — boost, intercept, and terminal — in order to hit their intended target.