He’s the pauper of the surf, the jester of Tortuga, and as of today he’s now officially part of the Sea of Thieves. Today marks the launch of the piratical sandbox’s third season, featuring an all new set of five Tall Tales titled A Pirate’s Life that sees players teaming up with Captain Jack Sparrow from the Pirates of the Caribbean films to fight against Davy Jones in an original story.
In addition to the surprising new collab, the third season’s adventure introduces new enemies to the game such as sirens, monstrous ocean crawlers, and phantoms on top of all of the other threats in the game. Of course, the new season brings on additional seasonal rewards, more Pirate Emporium items, and another planned series of events.
Turning back to the subject of the Pirates of the Caribbean collab, an interview with the devs at Rare offers up a little more insight into how the studio was able to keep the whole thing under wraps for so long, some discussion on how the announcement has drawn in new and old players alike, and even a hint at future Disney collabs, though executive producer Joe Neate does point out that any future collabs “[have] to be authentic, it has to fit, it has to work, and it has to take our game and world forward.”