Just as promised, the multiplayer survival sandbox of Craftopia has released another broad and diverse content update that includes the addition of pets, guns, and “the concept of the chunk,” which we hasten to point out is different from the concept of the chonk.
So just what is a chunk in Craftopia? It effectively is a piece of in-game real estate where physics and buildings will be activated, while distant chunks won’t have active buildings or physics. That said, distant conveyer belts won’t be stopped by chunks, and players who want distant buildings to remain active can place an Artificial Monolith item.
As mentioned in the opening lede, the game now has a pet system, allowing players to make charmed monsters like cows, giraffes, dragons, and various types of Monos into pets by putting them in a Pet Management Machine. Pets can be placed in a character’s inventory and summoned anytime they’re needed, and need to rest before being summoned again if they run out of HP. As for guns, these new weapons aren’t affected by stats like attack and magic attack but instead deal greater damage depending on where shots land (such as a headshot). As one would expect, guns will require ammunition to function and will see their damage fall off when fired at too far of a distance.
There are other updates as well, including a new autumn island with new monsters and a griffon, an empty island that has “almost no resources” but features vast flat land to build upon, new delivery quest NPCs, equipment like reaping machines, a “telepotion,” a sanctuary flag, and new gear among other things. Basically, this patch has a lot going on.
Despite this new patch just releasing, the devs at Pocketpair Games have a lot more planned in the next couple of months. A level cap increase is expected to launch sometime around mid-July, while the next major content update is expected around August or September, with more details on what is coming there expected soon.