It’s been a fair bit of time since we caught up with the latest goings-on for dinosaur-ish survival sandbox ARK: Survival Evolved, so allow us a moment to round up some of the various smaller updates that have been made since the 2021 Summer Bash event.
- First off, it’s all about those fresh new beasties – specifically, the dinopithecus and the amargasaurus, both of which will be coming to the free Lost Island DLC slated for late 2021.
- Friday, August 6th, saw the beginner servers get their regularly scheduled wipe, which is done “to help provide a fresh beginner experience for new players.” If you happen to be new to ARK’s whole deal, you now are likely to feel a bit less left behind. Ideally.
- Circling back to the subject of Lost Island creatures, there’s another community voting event to determine which critter will be headed to the island type. Voting will happen “later this year.”
- Finally, and in more recent ARK news, full server transfers for official Genesis Part II servers will be opening on Friday, September 3rd, across all platforms.
source: Steam