Ian Taylor, the former composer for both RuneScape and Old School RuneScape, has admitted to the sexual assault of a young girl and has been sentenced to prison for 22 months for the crime. The assault apparently took place in December but wasn’t reported to family and police until early 2021; according to Taylor’s confession, he attributed his actions to depression and inebriation. Taylor was formally sentenced at Peterborough Crown Court, UK, this past Wednesday, and has also been placed on the country’s Sex Offenders Register for 10 years as well as handed a Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO) for the same time frame in order to keep him monitored.
A statement from a Jagex spokesperson said that Taylor was fired from his job in March 2021 when the allegations came to light. “Jagex expects the highest standards from its staff and we act decisively if those values that we hold dear are not reflected in the behavior of employees,” said the spokesperson. “We have conducted an internal review of the employee’s interactions with staff and any players he may have come into contact with during his time at Jagex. We have found no evidence that might prompt further investigation at this time.”
The updates for both OSRS and RuneScape press on, with the former talking up the return of Deadman: Reborn and the latter providing an explanation on how changes to action bars work with custom interface layouts.