WRUP: Kylie stole my lightsaber edition

Something less than inspiring.

All right, Master. You’re angry. I understand that. I’m angry, too. Not at you, obviously, but at the situation. See, I know that you’re not going to believe me when I say this, but Kylie actually stole my lightsaber. I didn’t forget it or anything, I know right where it is. Kylie has it. But I can’t get it back from her, because now I don’t have a lightsaber but Kylie does have a lightsaber and lightsabers hurt.

Let’s be honest, you have every reason to be a little dubious about this particular claim. For example, last time Kylie asked me for a lightsaber and I said I’d just give it to her and then I claimed she stole it. And yes, last week’s What Are You Playing was subtle code saying that I was going to let Kylie have my lightsaber. But at this point I’m saying that’s not what happened. So who are you going to believe, me or past me?

I’m hoping it’s current me. Past me was a jerk.

Bonus question: What’s your favorite word choice to avoid swearing?

Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): So excited! Pokemon Unite finally got Blastoise, so I now have my two favorite water starters and my favorite dragon to play (though I still feel more comfortable doing Snorlax for ranked defense). Pokemon Go has the Hoopa event this Sunday so I can get my walking in and keep losing this weight (finally!). And then there’s Monster Hunter Stories 2, as the new content seems tough, so I’ve been running friends through it despite their lower levels. They get new content and I actually get to finish multiplayer content without Hulking out, yay!

Um, I won’t lie, I usually just swear in another language, usually Japanese or German. Occasionally I’ll say, “Poop,” or sometimes “lettuce” around kids (there’s a story about the god Set that explains this).

Ben Griggs (@braxwolf): Despite all the muck and poopstorms I’m still playing World of Warships, I’m just not spending any money on it at the moment. Luckily, with over 110 ships in my port I’ll not be lacking for options. Besides that, I’ll spend a little time in EVE Online exploring wormhole space.

Bonus question: muck and poopstorms.

Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): I’ve been playing Star Wars Galaxies Legends this week so far, and a bit of The Sims 4, and I’ll probably keep at it unless Lord of the Rings Online snags my attention. I’m just kinda marking time waiting for New World, so I don’t want to get too invested in anything that could derail me.

I usually don’t avoid swearing, as the potty mouth jar can attest, but “what the fudge” and “effin” often slip out in polite company.

Chris Neal (@wolfyseyes, blog): I have the very odd desire to play a survival sandbox (that I explicitly like), so I may fire up something like Valheim, Citadel: Forged with Fire, or No Man’s Sky. I also should peer into Dauntless and see what the repeaters are like now.

One of my favorite replacement swear words is “motherfluffer.” I don’t know if I heard it from somewhere else or if I came up with it myself in a rare moment of cleverness, but either way it’s a fun replacer.

Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): A little bit in Final Fantasy XIV, maybe, but mostly going to be a busy and/or single-player weekend for me. That’s fair, yeah? Because it’s what’s happening regardless.

Fun fact: if you want to call someone any curse word, use “fool” instead. It’s significantly more insulting and yet technically less offensive.

Justin Olivetti (@Sypster, blog): I’m working on leveling up my LotRO Captain through Northern Mirkwood and points beyond, mostly just doing the main storyline and missions for XP. I also am planning on a brief run in Runes of Magic, why not, since I haven’t touched that game since 2007.

I do like spitting out a “mother pus bucket!” from Ghostbusters every once in a while.

Sam Kash (@thesamkash): Very slowly making my way through the Guild Wars 2 Icebrood Saga. I’ve just been very busy, so I might play one story a week. I will, however, make time to get my festival dailies. It’s one of the few things that still gets me to login consistently.

Bonus: I think I say fart a lot. It’s a good f-word replacement. That or beginning the word but not completing it. Holy shhh… I do that often too.

Every Saturday, join the Massively OP community and staff for What Are You Playing, our roundup of what MMORPGs and other games we’re hoping to play this weekend (with a bonus question or two for our amusement). Tell us what you’re up to! Go off-topic! And don’t forget to have fun!
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