If you’ve got a character that’s between level 35 and 42 in Bless Unleashed’s PC version, you’ve got some new content to face with the most recent update. This patch introduces a level 35 dungeon known as the Nightspire and a level 42 boss fight in the form of the Twisted Spider Queen. Both promise plenty of challenge and rewards for players, like the opportunity at a wyvern mount for beating the Spider Queen.
The latest update also introduces further UI/UX improvements, balance changes, and bug fixes, while a pair of events are also kicking off: There’s a GM event that hands out login goodies, boosts crafting XP, improves mount taming chances, and hands out 100K gold for clearing regional fishing quests running between September 17th and 22nd; and a battlefield content boost event that hands out chests for daily battlefield and daily warlord arena victories for the third week of September.