New World’s servers are going down this morning for what will hopefully be only a three-hour maintenance window and patch process. So let’s kick off the patch with some fabulous news: Amazon’s taking steps to restrict the damn gold spammers – mostly the typical restrictions MMORPGs place on young accounts for this very reason.
We know many of you have seen the pesky chat messages from players spamming messages, and we’re continuing to investigate solutions to this issue. We discovered that many coin sellers were creating new characters and transferring money to other accounts. To combat this, we’ve:
• Banned and suspended many of the reported accounts. Thank you for your reports for players spamming chat.
• Added restrictions to prevent player-to-player trading and currency transfer from characters under level 10, or whose account is less than 72 hours old. Logging in after your account is 72 hours old will enable your ability to trade and transfer currency once you’ve hit level 10.
• Redistributed coin value from some early quests to later in the Main Story questline, keeping the total amounts of coin earned the same, just delivered in quests slightly later.
• Trading Post usage will be restricted until new characters accept the “Introduction to Trading Post” quest in their first settlement.
We will monitor the impact this has on bots and the health of the game, and continue to adjust as necessary.
The team also says it’s fixing multiple exploits, including the latest trade-related gold dupe and an item dupe with storage sheds and crafting stations. There’s also been a big reduction in respec and repair costs, a fix for the double-equipping bug (no more double fire staffs, ya cheaters), fixes for PvP flag healing, and a fix (and promise of compensation) for the house loss bug.
Outpost rush folks, you’ll be pleased to know that several bugs have been fixed, but there’s also been a nerf for incomes if you’re not winning: “To encourage competition in Outpost Rush, we’ve slightly reduced the Coin and Azoth rewards for the losing team.”