Amazon has made good on its promise to improve its communication with the New World fanbase, as it’s made a rash of comments on its official forums over the last day or so, including several late last night.
First, the studio says it’s planning changes for weapon swapping, dodge cancels, and attack input windows, focusing on responsiveness and inconsistencies with the feel of combat. “Weapon swaps, dodges, and attack inputs are a major part of our combat system and we want to make sure they feel fluid and responsive,” the team says, promising the tweaks “over the next few releases,” in addition to tweaks for some “lesser-used abilities.”
In response to players continuing to claim that they are being harassed and banned temporarily through mass reporting, Amazon has once again clearly stated that no you are not. “A human moderator reviews the reports and makes the decisions on how to suspend or ban based on the behavior,” the studio says. “Typically what happens is two rival groups bait each other into violations then report each other, the volume of votes means it moves up the queue for review, but does not impact the moderation decision. Another point of confusion is that the notice of ban is too vague, so you might not realize it was for something you did hours earlier or something that in the heat of the moment you forgot you said/did.”
Remember that note tucked away in the 4400-word dev blog that mentioned cross-region world transfers were back on the table? Late last night, the company said that it’s still working on them and is asking players for feedback on necessary features. If that’s you, you should probably go add your voice.
If you cleverly took advantage of Steam’s family sharing to set up multiple New World accounts for your family, you won’t be punished; instead, Amazon is going to grant ownership to those accounts – but otherwise, it has disabled the feature going forward, largely in the service of thwarting “bots, gold sellers, and ban evaders.”
Finally, Amazon is aware of the calls for merges and claims that some servers are shrinking and losing players to the point that towns can’t maintain their stations.