MassivelyOP’s not-so-serious end-of-the-year awards continue today with our pick for best worst MMO criming of the year. (If you’re wondering what the heck a Golden Yachtie is, you can get caught up with the first award.)
And the winner is…
Elite Dangerous ‘slavery’ racket espouses a ‘cult-like’ guild full of ‘chaos and evil’
This one is not really an actual crime, but the griefing was certainly attempting to be in-game crime, as a group of Elite Dangerous players were exposed and ultimately sanctioned by Frontier for running an in-game slavery racket that locked new players into what was basically indentured servitude. This is why we can’t have nice things, fam. I mean, even EVE Online players would just cut your throat and take your stuff, not try to gaslight, brainwash, and kidnap you indefinitely.
I actually have runners-up, but I warn you, these will make you dumber.
- Chinese police team up with Tencent to take down a video game cheating ring
- Roblox scalpers make an absolute killing selling in-game Gucci handbags
Want to nominate another winner? Let us know in the comments, and don’t forget to check out our serious MMO awards while you’re at it.