What’s new in the world of ArcheAge? As of last week, there’s a Zodiac Festival that lets players ring in the new year with a variety of daily quests that reward Festival Coins, which in turn can be spent on cosmetics, charms, and Kismet Star Shards among other things. The MMORPG also received a patch last week that eased the conditions for Exile, tweaked certain Serendipity Stones, and fixed some bugs.
The end of 2021 also saw another banwave hit exploiters of the game, with over 21K alt accounts and over 600 main accounts being hit. A further 426 accounts have been locked as part of the team’s investigations into exploiting behavior, and more such actions could continue. The post closes with a word for those who have been locked out of the game for a full week, explaining that the restrictions will remain in place until the devs have fully investigated all aspects of the large-scale exploit that occurred in December.
Finally, as of this morning, Kakao announced a delay “until further notice” for the next phase of fresh start server progression. It’s now flagged as “TBD.”
📢 [NOTICE] Progression Cap has been delayed until further notice.
You can check the current schedule plan in👇:https://t.co/HAoJIMJqrF pic.twitter.com/dZ1oaPzhlH
— ArcheAgeMMO (@ArcheAge_MMO) January 3, 2022