For those who prefer a monthly summary of game development instead of day-to-day revelations, Ashes of Creation made the January newsletter available for your perusal. The previous month was full of reveals, including the racial models for the Vek, Niküa, and Ren’Kai.
Intrepid Studios said that it’s gunning toward the next alpha playtest: “The whole team here at Intrepid Studios is now working in Unreal Engine 5 and moving forward towards our next big milestone — Alpha 2. Our production sprints are in full swing, and as more prototypes become available, we’ll be sharing them with you.”
One interesting conversation the studio had recently was asking fans what they thought constituted griefing. “A large majority of players felt that griefing is abusing bugs, and exploiting within the game mechanics in unintended ways, tarnishing the experience of other players,” Intrepid posted, going on to say, “Some players felt that griefing is okay as long as the problems caused by players can be solved by players.”
The studio also promised an “early look” at the character creator in the upcoming February livestream.