More is more in Season 15 of Albion Online. The upcoming guild-centric PvP season is promising more might and favor, better might level progression, and an update to the Crystal League map that offers more rewards. More, more, more! Henkys is practically giving it away! Except the Comfy Chair; that stays put, thank you very much.
Overall, might and favor is being ramped up by as much as 30% for doing various activities in the Outlands, while the threshold for early might levels is being lowered for a wide range of activities. That said, reaching the highest might levels requires significantly more might for the same season point output to ensure that competition stays close at the top end. As for the Crystal League map, changes have been made to make it harder for one team to hold all three orbs, while silver and fame rewards have hit “massive” scales.
Speaking of rewards, Season 15 is offering season-specific avatar sets, new battle mounts, and a 90-day fame buff along with the usual bracket rewards and a spot in the Conqueror’s Hall up for grabs. The new season will be marked by a livestream on Albion’s Twitch channel, while the preview post offers all of the salient details players might want.