Blade & Soul players have a lot to take in this week as Unchained Chaos is now live for the NCsoft MMORPG. The crown jewel for this update is of course the third spec for the Gunslinger, dubbed Way of the Arsenal, which “uses a high-tech wrist launcher to summon holographic guns to hail destruction down on your enemies, specializing in being able to quickly switch between close- and long-range engagements.”
But of course, there’s a bit more to the patch than just that, including paid class change bundles, the Dropscotch Games Event that pushes players to their deaths for fun and prizes, and the Chaos Supply Chain dungeon, which is also the final exam for an economics class in hell, probably.
“The newest Demonsbane dungeon sends up to four players back to the heart of the Blackram pirates to stop a violent outburst amongst the Blackram’s marauders. With up to 20 stages to unlock, earn rewards and dungeon XP by clearing it quickly and efficiently.”
NCsoft’s already got a list of big fixes and known issues running on the official forums.
The servers are back online!
Discover the Gunslinger 3rd Specialization (Way of the Arsenal), the new Demonsbane dungeon (Poharan), the Class Change system, and the Dropscotch Games.
Plus Treasure Trove and the Daring Dash just started! #BladeAndSoul #BnS https://t.co/XfMFAK6LT7
— Blade & Soul (@bladeandsoul) March 16, 2022