Standing Stone Games activated Dungeons and Dragons Online’s brand-new website earlier this week with a modern look and easier navigation. This brings DDO up to speed with sister MMO Lord of the Rings Online, which received a similar website upgrade a while back.
Along with the website upgrade, DDO improved the value of its VIP subscription package. In addition to XP boosts, daily presents, and access to more content, the sub now unlocks the Aasimar, Shifter, and Warforged races.
It should be noted that the sub does not unlock expansions: “Menace of the Underdark, Shadowfell Conspiracy, Mists of Ravenloft, Masterminds of Sharn, Fables of the Feywild, and Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh are expansions and are not included with VIP membership.”
Speaking of both expansions and races, the MMO is preparing the new cat-like Tabaxi for this spring’s Isle of Dread release.
Source: DDO. Thanks DDOCentral!