It’s not often that people are asked to shatter a world, but the devs of the sandbox MMORPG Embers Adrift are asking players to do precisely that. This coming Saturday, April 30th, at 11:00 a.m. EDT, players are cordially invited to join a World Breaker event in order to stress test the game’s servers. All beta testers will be able to take part as well as players who are selected from a pool of names; those who are interested in adding their name to the hat can sign up now.
Meanwhile, Embers put out a two hour-long video, with the second half offering up an hour’s worth of gameplay footage that looked at various abilities, showed off the game’s world, peeked inside of a dungeon, and granted a look at character creation while talking up the game’s subscription-based monetization and the way class archetype pairing changes gameplay.
The first half of the video highlighted patch notes from last week, though this past Wednesday saw a new beta patch release that simplifies crafting and gathering to a tiered approach, introduces a checkbox UI element to show when reagents are being used to empower certain skills, and applies a long list of bug fixes.