Lost Ark’s Battle for the Throne of Chaos goes live this afternoon as planned


The release of Lost Ark’s Battle for the Throne of Chaos narrowly escaped a delay last night as Amazon discovered some “critical issues” that would’ve required a postponement. Lucky for us, Amazon said it was “able to quickly identify and resolve the issue,” so here we are and BFTTOC – seriously, Battle for the Throne of Chaos is too long! – is launching early this afternoon, around noon EDT.

While you wait for server-up, you can flip through the patch notes, which don’t offer any particular surprises if you’ve been following the development and reveals of this patch in the lead-up to today: We’re getting the Glaivier advanced class, a whole new T3 area in the form of South Vern, the Feiton powerpass, the express mission event, new character slots, better co-op map selection, and plenty more.

“Players will receive a Feiton Powerpass after completing Feiton’s main story quest “Will” during the event period, or, if you’ve already finished the quest before the update, you’ll get the Powerpass when the event starts! The Feiton Powerpass will function like the Vern Powerpasses available to players in the launch version of Lost Ark— once you’ve completed the storyline through that continent, you’ll be able to use it to bring an alternate character to that point in the game. With a Feiton Powerpass, you’ll receive level 960 gear. This is an event Powerpass that will expire on June 30.”

Source: Official site, press release
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