OK, nobody tell MOP’s Justin, but I don’t entirely share his hatred of elven races in MMOs. I’m not entirely sure why. I didn’t grow up on Tolkien or D&D; I was a Star Wars girl, which is big on lots of species, but not really elves. I think the first elves I played were in EverQuest: My main characters were a Wood Elf Druid and Half Elf Bard. And then not long after that, of course, the Lord of the Rings movies exploded and fantasy was cool again. I just don’t have tons of positive or negative feelings there. Elves just kind of are, and I usually gravitate to other races if they’re available anyway.
Even so, my favorite elves aren’t really elves at all: They’re Sylvari! Guild Wars 2 did a good job taking the nature-race concept and making it a bit more interesting – and making them very young rather than very old.
Which MMO would you say has the best elves?