Finally, Wild Terra 2 has added a mechanic allowing you to do the most important task that any game can provide: Stacking boxes. The most recent patch lets you put one box on top of another box. You can then, presumably, stack another box. No specific limits for how many boxes may be stacked atop other boxes are provided. The important thing is boxes. That are stacked. Hours and hours of content even before you enter the potential world of unstacking boxes and stacking them again!
If you’re not into the engaging and dynamic gameplay of stacking boxes, there is more in this particular update just the same. Players can also look forward to new abilities for light armor and healing, along with several mechanical changes for healing, light shields, and various abilities. There’s also a new form of horse barding available for owners of the King Pack and some crafting changes. Check out the full patch notes for all the details, if you can tear yourself away from stacking boxes long enough.