If you prefer to get your Star Citizen information through the Jump Point e-zine, then the latest issue has some bad news. The opening portion of the magazine announces that publication of Jump Point is shifting to a bimonthly release schedule owing to the fact that people who work on the zine are also members of the marketing, narrative, or production teams and they need to shift their focus to alpha 4.0. Almost like they’re bowing under the pressure of feature creep. Weird.
That said, the folks behind Jump Point do like the work they are doing and are spinning the reeled back publication cadence as a way to create a higher-quality magazine while also promising “more developer content, deeper dives into tech, your usual exclusive narrative content, and a few twists along the way.” So for those who like Jump Point, it’s perhaps not all bad news.
We continue on with more Star Citizen in-game plushie news, specifically one of the digital rewards being handed out to subscribers in the month of October. This month, subscribers at certain tiers are getting huggable spaceships. To be precise, a Cutlass plushie. Or the opportunity to get different colors of Cutlass plushie from the subscriber-exclusive store. Thanks for the subscription money; go snuggle a spaceship.