It’s time yet again for the customary weekly updates from Black Desert, specifically the mobile and PC versions of the sandbox MMORPG and their respective updates.
The mobile version’s latest patch starts its 10th and final Path of Glory season with a refined emblem earning mechanics and a new gemstone system for emblems. The update also adds new fairy content in the form of pretty new outfits and stat-boosting brooches, kicks off several events, and fixes some class-related issues.
The PC version’s newest update has another long list of events on deck, including a big XP boosting hot time event for the autumn season servers until December 7th, doubled Atoraxxian weekly quest rewards, and the opportunity to get some valuable boost items and a shiny shoulder piece for just 100 silver. The other pieces of content in this patch include more locations to harvest truffle mushrooms, the removal of cups from reformed accessories, and a some general fixes.