A while back, the MOP team was chatting about Chris’ foray into house ownership in Final Fantasy XIV. I was actually kind of surprised by his screenshots because I don’t play the game at all and most of the screenshots I see are of the characters themselves – and the houses looked super cute! Much cuter than I expected! But my brain has a hard time reconciling how out of place the characters look in that gameworld.
“The characters never look like they ‘go’ with the world,” I lamented.
It’s not just Final Fantasy XIV that does this to me; I find the same problem in Lord of the Rings Online. Like, functionally, I would be able to pick out those characters and that world in any screenshot because I know them so well. But so often when I see LOTRO characters in a LOTRO screenshot, I wish I could sort of… push them out of the way so I could get a better look at that gorgeous landscape behind them. Git on out of here, adorable puddin’-faced hobbit! They just look mismatched with the environment, and even after years of playing, I can’t mentally sort that out.
Does this happen to you in any MMOs? Which MMOs have characters that look like they don’t quite match the gameworld they’re in?