It appears that this year’s Hatching-Tide event in Final Fantasy XIV will have basically nothing to do with eggs or even anything remotely seasonal. What it will have are Tonberries. Yes, everyone’s favorite slowly advancing knife machines are taking central stage as players can not only pick up a full set of Tonberry glamour items but even a Frighten emote designed to strike terror in all those who behold you. Be prepared to unleash Everybody’s Grudge as your new limit break!
The event itself starts on March 27th and runs until April 10th, with players kicking off the event in Gridania with Jihli Aliapoh as usual. It’s worth noting that players will also need to incorporate a 24-hour maintenance window in their planning for the event, as the game is going to be down for a full day on April 3rd due to upgrades and maintenance on the North American server clusters. Then again, were you really going to wait that long before holding a grudge? We didn’t think so.