Dual Universe answers player questions about PvE content planned for Update 1.4


With Dual Universe planning to introduce PvE missions in its upcoming Update 1.4, players had plenty of questions to ask about the feature and about PvE in the sandbox overall. Novaquark has since plucked some of those player questions and answered them in its latest video.

The answers confirm that PvE missions will be in instanced areas of space, that PvP players cannot camp entry and exit points for PvE missions since they fall within safe space, and that PvE missions cannot be disrupted by uninvited players, though the devs do admit that they’ll need to see how players will react to the feature. To that point, Update 1.4 will not have a PTS session but the team assures players it is going through “rigorous testing” internally.

Other answers provided in the video discuss PvE rewards, outline solo versus group requirements for missions, talk about avoiding repetitive gameplay, and provide some brass tacks expectations about what kind of equipment and preparations players should make in order to take on PvE missions. The full video awaits after the cut.

source: YouTube
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