Blue Protocol’s latest preview video highlights the variety of items players can craft


Can you make a sizzle reel out of MMO crafting? Blue Protocol has certainly given it the old college try with its latest Japanese video that shows off some of the crafted items that are possible in the upcoming game.

The footage is generally pretty straightforward even though it’s obviously in Japanese, as it shows a player character gathering materials from around the game world or completing dungeons, bringing those materials to a crafting station, and putting them together to make new things. It’s generally standard stuff, but the selection of weapons, armors, and consumables appears to be fairly robust.

Meanwhile, fansite Blue Protocol DB has completed its English recap of yesterday’s livestream with the devs. The post offers additional details of BP’s monetization, including the Rose Orb cash shop with cosmetics and mounts, a gacha system full of additional cosmetics, and more information about its season pass’ two different paid tiers. The post also shares initial details of limited-time boss raids and the Blitz Lancer class.

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