The weekly updates continue to rumble along for Mad World, with developer Jandisoft continuing to improve on weapons, XP, rewards, and a whole lengthy host of other in-game matters, while also electing to remain radio silent on the missing Steam version.
A patch from last week introduced a new weapon skill for each type of weapon in the game, significantly ramped up gold earnings from slaying monsters based on their stats, and nerfed the duration of weapon swapping to one second. Finally, death penalties were adjusted to only apply when a character’s madness hits 1,000 or they’re killed in a PvP zone.
This week saw three different patches of various sizes, such as a hotfix for tribe chat, increased movement speed for mountable pets, more XP earnings for monsters in the field and in dungeons, and the removal of a level limit for cooking. A patch from yesterday also buffed the item drop rate for various bosses and added hot time events that further boost drop rates for gold and items.