Lord of the Rings Online just offered a first look at the new Hobbit premium housing


Yesterday, Standing Stone Game’s senior world designer Matt “Scenario” Elliot was kind enough to spend an hour showing off my next house in Lord of the Rings Online.

I’m only half kidding: He demo’d the upcoming Hobbit premium housing in Lyndelby. Players will recall that you can already own a hobbit hole in the original housing neighborhoods, but this is the first time the game will score Shire-themed premium homes. That means they’ll cost writs or mithril, come in various sizes, and offer many housing hooks. The more elaborate versions include a cave, waterfalls, and what is effectively a small swimming pool. It also sounds like we’re getting 150+ new pieces of housing deco, including new fencing

Expect the homes to hit the test server on third iteration of Bullroarer this patch cycle. It’s currently on the first leg of the beta, in fact; testing runs through Friday with the Guardian and Beorning class updates, the forester event, the stat crunch, and the update to the LOTRO store UI.

Source: YouTube via Reddit
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