Reign of Guilds recounts its December playtest and shares patch notes for its next no-wipe test


This past December saw the PvP sandbox Reign of Guilds hold its sixth playtest. That naturally means that developer Atlant Games has gotten some data to process, the results of which were shared in a recent dev blog on Steam.

According to the post, over 13,000 players signed up for the test and 7,000 new players fired the client up, resulting in an average of 1,000 unique players per day; most of those players played for longer than four hours, and over 500 of them spent 20 hours in the test build.

Naturally, things weren’t completely flawless in terms of gameplay and performance, with some of the notable problems being PvE melee strikes being out of sync and groups disbanding when transitioning into a new zone. Those bugs and a host of others will be fixed in ROG’s seventh playtest, which will maintain character progress from the last build.

The studio points out that content updates between builds will be pretty minor, as the focus is on bug fixing, but the early patch notes for PT #7 outline improved drops from higher-tier enemies, new content for the western continent and southern counties of the map, the addition of missing castles, and more items like additional food recipes and crossbows. Timing for this next test has not been confirmed yet, but interested fans can read over the updates beforehand regardless.

source: Steam
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