Star Wars Galaxies rogue server Empire in Flames turns 7, teases Mandalorian content


Among the multiple Star Wars MMOs with reason to celebrate during this most hallowed of weeks is Empire in Flames, a rare roleplay-friendly Star Wars Galaxies rogue server. As the player team noted, the server has just taken its seventh trip around the sun.

“Today officially marks the anniversary of An Empire in Flames server,” the team wrote on May the Fourth. “Seven years ago today, EiF launched with hopes, dreams, and a lot of crazy ambition. It was designed with a core tenant in mind – ‘what is your ideal server?’ That answer, to Lead Developer Halyn and a cohort of scrappy friends, was something that took all the great design elements from Live and made it better for PvE, PvP, and Roleplay players alike… with a side of weird.”

In fact, the memo also looks ahead to the future, as the team is working on new Mandalorian content and the integration of Jump to Lightspeed.

“While the last year has been rather busy in real life for the staff, and as a result somewhat quiet for development, EiF is still committed to moving forward and providing our players with not only fun, but ‘the weird stuff’. In the near future, we will be finally unveiling the long awaited Mandalorian Enclave, which will open up new weapons, armor, and content for those interested in the path to become a Mandalorian. After that, we have plans to release a new instance – the ‘sequel’ to the Plasma Mining Facility instance. Once those are out the door, focus will pivot primarily to Jump to Lightspeed. There are still a lot of technical issues to address before we will see JtL on EiF, but we’re committed to making it happen. We will also be replacing the server which EiF runs on – which should solve a lot of the lag and rubberbanding issues that have been plaguing gameplay. And in between all that, we’ll always find room for the weird stuff – smaller additions alongside other improvements.”

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