Whatever happened to pixel art MMORPG Drakantos?


It’s been a few minutes since we checked in on the development of Drakantos, a free-to-play pixel art MMORPG we first covered last fall. At the time, Brazilian dev team Wingeon Game Studios was promising a huge roster of playable toons, housing, guilds, and even global events. And yes, they’re calling it pixel art, but it’s some of the prettiest pixel art we’ve ever seen.

So how is development going? Forward. Wingeon has actually put out a dev blog every single month since the last time we peeked. It’s revealed multiple new characters, tons of new artifacts, pets, open world mechanics, and animation work. The devs also say the two largest cities, Kasteron and Ereluna, are fully mapped out as the level design team brings older missions up to par. Oh yeah, and mounts are in now too:

“About mounts, the concept we showed in a previous devlog, is now a reality! The system is 100% ready with the sprint, collection and other necessary things.”

There’s no ETA, but at least it’s marching onward.

Source: Steam
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