Wayfinder’s Echoes update goes live for founders today as the game gets Steam Deck verified


If you were among those who bought into the promise of Wayfinder back when it was still angling to be a fully multiplayer experience, then today is the day when you can hop back in to the now multiplayer-optional title once more, as its major Echoes update-cum-business model shift goes into “soft launch” for founder’s pack buyers.

As we reported before, this patch now marks the early access game’s shift from a live service title to a box price game, with co-op a fully optional feature instead of the default, the end of microtransactions, and cash shop items available as loot drops. The update further applies a wide variety of adjustments to the game’s mechanics and progression, which developer Airship Syndicate discussed in an earlier livestream and executive producer AJ LaSaracina talked with us about in an interview.

The Echoes patch is scheduled to be available to founders at 1:00 p.m. EDT, while existing PS5 players will get to play the game as normal. Following that, Wayfinder returns to sale on Steam on June 11th with its Echoes update in tow for everyone on PC, followed by the patch’s arrival to PS5 in the summer and a planned arrival to Xbox X|S and the end of early access in the fall. The game has also confirmed its verification on the Steam Deck handheld, so if you’re a founder or a future buyer, you’ve got another way to get your hands on the RPG.

source: Twitter
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