Fortnite Reload mode brings the battle royale shooter back to gimmick-free basics


For all of the aspirations Epic Games has heaped upon Fortnite as some metaverse-adjacent hub of greater entertainment, the actual battle royale mode that turned into a money printer for the studio has arguably lost the plot – it even eschewed its OG season by blowing it apart and guest-starring Eminem to do it.

Recently, however, Epic decided to hit the reset button once again with the launch of Fortnite Reload mode, which strips away the guest stars and pop culture references to boil things back down to battle royale brass tacks.

This new mode condenses the game into a smaller map with 40 players, clears away gimmicky items and weapons, removes vehicles, and unvaults several classic weapons, along with several unique cosmetics that can be earned by playing the mode. It comes in both Build and No Build forms, and most recently allows duo team play with faster reboot timers.

source: official site (1, 2)
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