Wayfinder preps a huge quality-of-life patch as it journeys toward 1.0


How many launches is Airship Syndicate’s Wayfinder going to get in its lifetime? We had the early access release last year, the Echoes re-launch last month, and the full 1.0 PC and console releases are still on its way for late 2024. In the meanwhile, however, is a meaty quality-of-life patch that should hit the game in the next week or so.

This “polish pass” patch (say that a few times fast) includes the first iteration of a server browser, Discord invites, better loot pools, more customizable options, environmental fixes, and combat and movement updates.

What’s coming past that? The studio said that players should look forward to a “large content update including a new Wayfinder and new zones at the 1.0 release later this year.”

Source: Steam
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