Quinfall opens its beta to the public for the final two days of its run, but there’s a small catch


Were you among those who weren’t selected to join in the second closed beta of Quinfall? Then you’re in luck because Vawraek Technologies has decided to essentially turn the closed beta into an open beta for the last two days of the test.

For those who want to hop in, it’s simply a matter of going to the game’s Steam page and clicking on the “request access” button to hop in, which should automatically grant access. This open period runs for two days starting today, July 15th.

However, as the headline points out, there is one little catch to this offer:

“During this period, a limitation has been imposed on logins in order to prevent the disenfranchisement of players who previously obtained an access key and qualified to play. This limit is set as players who have previously logged in with an access key + 1000 players.”

Vawraek is quick to point out that the upper limit of players “can be increased upon request,” but between now and the end of testing, there’s a generally open door for the curious.

sources: Twitter, Steam
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