Hearthstone’s Perils in Paradise won’t feature a cosmetic game board, and players are concerned


Usually when Blizzard releases a new Hearthstone expansion set, it also offers a colorful new game board cosmetic to go along with it – an entertaining and sometimes interactive digital play mat that’s themed around the set in question. However, it looks as if the upcoming Perils in Paradise expansion will not feature one of these boards according to datamining, and that’s been cause for fans to get pretty worried.

At the heart of most players’ concerns expressed on Twitter and Reddit is the presumption that this signals a drawing down for development on Hearthstone – some are even calling it the beginning of the end – or the possibility of boards being monetized.

Reaction spreads a wide spectrum, with some replies calling the decision shocking and surprising, while others point out how this assumed slowing of development is happening on the game’s 10th anniversary. Some fans are even incensed enough to refund expansion pre-orders or vow to stop spending money.

The alarm bells have been loud enough for Blizzard to respond, promising an explanation on why Perils in Paradise has no board as well as “what the team is focusing on for the future.” That information is set to be shared next week.

sources: Reddit (1, 2, 3) and Twitter (1, 2) via PC Gamer
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