It’s time for another week of updates to Black Desert, and this week we’re going to begin with the console version’s patch, primarily because it has made the most important addition to the MMORPG possible: alpaca mounts.
Regrettably, this new fluffy boi is only available to the Shai class. If that’s not a hurdle for you, then you need to be level 50 and complete the appropriately titled “Befwend Fuzzy Alpaca” quest in order to get the new mount. The patch has also made some class tweaks, adjusted drop rewards in Atoraxxion, and made several tweaks to Igor Bartali’s adventure log, along with other general updates.
Mobile players got their update earlier this week, which is headlined by a change to item acquisition in open world zones: Now instead of getting goodies directly, players will be able to grab their rewards from the Spoils of Battle instead “to reduce the burden of repetitive play for progression.” The patch also placed a neutral fortress in the Forgotten Ruins and a host of performance improvements to make large-scale battles work better on mobile devices.
Later this week – tomorrow, July 25th, to be precise – the PC version will receive its patch, which will make changes to movement speed and special evasion effects, add Rabam skills for the Dosa class, and introduce harmony draughts that combine multiple elixir benefits in one handy-dandy bottle via alchemy. Sip that science, adventurer.